Sunday April 7th, 2013 23:00 Episode 85: Once Upon a Time in Japan

a Shohei Imamura Ballad of NarayamaNarayama bushiko DVD Review PDVD_004

As a thank you to CDR of Mill Creeps fame, we wanted him to program a double for us to review. He chose a couple films showcasing a more rural lifestyle in feudal Japan… a once upon a time in Japan double feature

The first film reviewed is considered a modern classic, the sometimes funny, sometimes touching BALLAD OF NARAYAMA from 1983.

Then we give the samurai their due and review the sweaty drunken RONIN-GAI from 1990.

Music this week:
Queen – Gimme The Prize
s.o.d.-pre-menstrual princess blues
Finntroll – Jaktens Tid


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